Mobility Scooter Rental Options
We have five powered mobility scooter models to choose from. So how do you choose which one is best for you? Our experience tells us that the decision is usually based on these four priorities. Each of our scooter models is listed below with additional information on each of the priorities. Consider these factors carefully to select the model that aligns best with your needs
- Driver Weight
The equipment must support the weight of the driver and be powerful enough to move the scooter with the driver on it.
- Portability, can the scooter be easily transported from one location to another?
Are you strong enough to load it and unload it, or will you need help? Will you be using a car, a van, a SUV, or pickup truck? The size and weight of the scooter will determine the type of vehicle required to transport it. Will you be taking it with you on a bus, train or airplane. All three of these transportation methods have size restrictions and sealed battery requirements
- Where are you going to use it?
If you are using it inside, is there enough room to maneuver it? If you are using it outside, what terrain will the scooter need to traverse. All scooters will work on hard surfaces, some will work or lawns, and some will work on harvested fields.What obstacles do you need to drive over? Will you encounter ruts, curbs, ridges on ramps or other small obstacles.
- How far do you need to go on a single charge if constant use?
How far do you need to travel before getting the battery recharged. This is called battery range. Will overnight charging provide you with the distance you need or will you have to charge the battery during the day.